Maintenance & Batteries
Only a functioning smoke alarm can protect you and your family.
Never disable an alarm by "borrowing" its battery for another use.
Test your smoke alarms monthly.
Follow the manufacturer´s instructions.
Clean your smoke alarms using a dust brush or rag.
Never paint a smoke alarm.
Replace smoke alarms that are more than 10 years old.
If you live outside the Northeast Stokes Fire District please contact Scott Aaron - Fire Marshal
SMOKE DETECTOR INSTALLATION - Email Scott Aaron Fire Marshal
If you live inside the Northeast Stokes Fire District please contact the Department
North Carolina General Statutes for Smoke Detectors
If you are a renter click the image to the right to read what
the Landlord and Tenant Duties are by law that pertains to Smoke Detectors
Smoke alarms are not recommended for kitchens, bathrooms, or garages where cooking fumes, steam, or exhaust fumes could result in false alarms.
Do not install an alarm in an attic or other unheated spaces where humidity and temperature changes could affect the alarm's operation.
If your alarm regularly goes off due to normal cooking in the kitchen, do not attempt to remove the battery. Physically move and reinstall the smoke alarm in
a location where the alarm will not continually go off while you are cooking.
Install smoke alarms following the manufacturer's directions. Most battery operated smoke alarms can be easily installed using a drill, screws, and
screwdriver. Alarms hard-wired to the homes electrical system should be installed by a professional. Never install an alarm to a circuit that can be turned off
from a wall switch.
Mount alarms high on a wall or on the ceiling. Avoid dead air spaces. Wall-mounted alarms should be installed so that they are 4 to 12 inches from the
ceiling. A ceiling-mounted alarm should be attached at least 4 inches from the nearest wall.
How many and where to install?
The total number of smoke alarms and where they are installed depends on the home. Follow these guidelines for determining the number of smoke alarms
and where to install them.
In each bedroom
In each sleeping area
Within six feet of each door leading to a bedroom or sleeping area of each unit
On each floor of the building
Choosing a Smoke Alarm
Smoke alarms can be purchased at the majority of hardware and variety department stores. Be sure that the alarms you buy carry the label of an
independent testing laboratory.
Some smoke alarms detect smoke using an ionization sensor while others use a photoelectric sensor. Again, both types are effective as long as they are
installed and maintained properly, following the manufacturer's directions.
Specialty alarms with emergency lights also exist for the hearing impaired.
Smoke alarms provide an early warning of fire, giving you and your family more time to safely evacuate your home.
Often, home fires occur in the darkness of night when residents are fast asleep. One misconception is that a person will awaken from the smell of smoke. This
is WRONG...Smoke is a silent killer! Smoke contains many deadly gases, such as carbon monoxide, that will actually put a person into an even deeper state of
sleep, causing a person never to wake up. A smoke alarm is your first line of defense to get out alive.
5086 NC HWY 704 Sandy Ridge,NC.
Effective Through Teamwork
Welcome to the Official Website for the Northeast Stokes Fire & Rescue, Sandy Ridge, NC
The firefighters proudly serve the citizens of the Northeast Stokes fire district